What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

According to the consent agenda, only one thing . . . I bet that’s not right.

October 5, 2010 Common Council Meeting – Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

Please note that exclusions on this listing may change at the meeting.  Items may be added or taken off the list when the consent agenda is presented.

Agenda Items #4 through 14 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS.

The following items are extra-majority items to be included on the consent agenda with request for unanimous vote

15. Legislative File No. 19930 – Report of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments (Report of Mayor – 2/3 vote required for Housing Committee appointment: Michael Hershberger)

28. Legislative File No. 19786 – Amending the 2010 Operating Budgets of the Police Department, Engineering Division, Streets Division and Parks Division by appropriating $35,690 from the Contingent Reserve Fund, utilizing these funds for various expenses related to the Halloween event, and authorizing the receipt of revenues derived from admission fees and donations. Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Frank Productions, Inc., subject to the conditions included in the Street Use Permit expected to be issued to Frank Productions, Inc. for events associated with Halloween 2010. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST:

55. Legislative File No. 19349 – Amending Secs. 9.49 and 39.03 of the Madison General Ordinances to clarify judicial review and revise the Equal Opportunities Ordinance. (Items Referred to this Meeting – Ald. Jed Sanborn, D. 1)

FYI . .. .

What is a consent agenda?
Typical consent agenda items are routine, procedural decisions, and decisions that are likely to be noncontroversial.

Examples include:
Routine matters such as appointments to committees;
Routine resolutions approving plans, improvements, etc.
Reports provided for information only;
Correspondence requiring no action.

Why is a consent agendas used?
The consent agenda is used by the Council to save meeting time and to help ensure that Council meetings focus on substantive topics that are worth discussion. Through the “bundling” process, the entire set of routine agenda items can be voted on in one action versus taking the time to vote on each individual item.

What is the exclusion list?
These are agenda items that alders have requested be taken off the consent agenda. The main reason an alder asks for an agenda item to be excluded is that they want to discuss/debate the item at the Council meeting.

Please note that public hearing items are never included on the exclusion list. They are specifically scheduled and taken up by the Common Council at 6:45 p.m.


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