Spring Referendum On Corporations Giving Political Contributions

Will there be one?

This is what it could say:

Shall the City of Madison adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED, the City of Madison, Wisconsin, calls for reclaiming democracy from the corrupting effects of undue corporate influence by amending the United States Constitution to establish that:

1. Only human beings, not corporations, are entitled to constitutional rights, and

2. Money is not speech, and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech.

If you agree and want to see it on the ballot, they need your help! The simplest thing you can do is go to http://www.scwmta.org/volunteer.html, print out the form, sign it, get your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to sign it, and send it in to address on page 2 before October 25th.

It they don’t get your help . . . who knows what campaigns will start to look like? I wonder how these new rules will impact the Mayoral election this spring . . .


  1. This should be on every ballot in Dane County, not just the City of Madison. I cant wait to join in with Dave Blaska, Supervisors Wiganowsky and Gau to enjoy “grassroots democracy breaking out all over”. Although I am not sure why we need a petition. Most municipalities put it on the ballot just by being asked by the supervisors. We all agree “It’s important that the public have as early a say as possible.”!

  2. Amending the Bill of Rights to curtail free speech? THAT is what you call “democracy breaking out all over”? I think I’ll pass, while I still have some free speech rights. Thanks but no thanks.

  3. Common sense and our Founders would agree that money is not speech. The point is Dave if the people think that the SCOTUS overturning 100 years of precedence and legislating from the bench is ok, then they will vote down the referendum.

    Since you were such a proponent of the RTA referendum, which “is grassroots democracy breaking out all over” why wouldn’t you feel the same about this referendum? is it only important for the public to have a say when its something you support? You can oppose the referendum but support it being on the ballot.

  4. Oh, DO put it on the ballot! As your referendum is worded, it would deny speech to the Progressive Dane Party, since ProgDane is not a “person” but, like corporations, a voluntary collection of persons.

    Amend the Bill of Rights? The people are smart enuff to see through that one!

  5. BTW, PP, you can’t be too proud to be progressive. Not proud enough, anyway, to use your real name. Under some of the schemes I’ve read from your kind, you would be required to DIVULGE! Perhaps even pay a fee for a permit to speak your piece.

  6. I would not know, as I am not a member of Progressive Dane. Any individual member can and should be allowed to say whatever they want. What needs to be stopped is China, Saudia Arabia, etc… pumping millions into the Chamber of Commerce and letting them run ads to affect our elections. Also such silliness as those loony defeat the debt ads. If anyone wants to spend millions on election ads we should know who is doing it.


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