Overture Round Up

Most of the meetings on the topic tend to be in closed session, and its a little hard to tell what is going on . . . but here’s what I can tell you . . . which is a quick way to get caught up on all the issues. for more attachments and links to documents, see the ad hoc Overture Committee report.

This letter was sent on Friday, and since then, Alders Palm and Rummel also signed on with Bidar-Sielaff, Bruer, Clausius, Clear, Cnare, Compton, Eagon, King, Maniaci, Rhodes-Conway, Schmidt and Solomon. Basically, they used a lot of words to say they want a different deadline so they can have “a community involvement process, an independent analysis of the proposed public/private model, some clear performance measures for long-term viability, and a plan for more diverse programming and decision making.” Kind of curious what kind of response they get, if any, since their ask wasn’t really clear.

Monday –

– Overture briefing

These first two are in closed session again, we are likely to learn very little.

– More closed session Overture discussions, joint meeting with CCOC (below).

– More closed session Overture discussions, join meeting with CCOC (above).

Here’s a description of the meeting:

From: Clear, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 4:18 PM
Cc: Cieslewicz, Dave; Piraino, Janet; Brasser, Dean; May, Michael; Simon, Debra; Lloyd, Mary; Veldran, Lisa
Subject: Meeting alert: Overture negotiations update 10/19


Please mark your calendar for the next update on Overture negotiations, Tuesday, October 19 at 4:30 pm. This will be a joint meeting of BOE and CCOC, and all council members are encouraged to attend. The negotiation update will be held in closed session.

BOE is already scheduled to have a special meeting that afternoon, and since Mike May was out of town and therefore unable to brief BOE this past Monday, this seemed like a good opportunity. Lisa is still working on securing a location. The previously scheduled BOE meeting (regarding Water Utility bonds) will still take place at approximately 6:00, immediately following a Water Board meeting on the same topic. Hopefully we will be able to hold all three meetings consecutively in the same room.

The high speed rail update previously scheduled for that evening is cancelled (Chris and Chris say they have few new details to share anyway.)


Mark C.

Because of the closed session, I wonder how much they discuss when the council discusses it in open session. I’m guessing there will be some carefully choreographed statements from some. Here’s what they will be discussing.
Authorize spending to have an independent review of the Overture “Focus Model”
This item boils down to this:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council amends the 2010 Operating Budget to appropriate $25,000 from the Contingent Reserve to Miscellaneous Appropriations to hire The North Group, Incoporated for $22,500 to conduct the independent review of the proposed operating model (“Focus Model”) for the Overture Center and advise on performance standards and James Undercofler, Professor of Performing Arts and Arts Administration at Drexel University for $2,500 to design recommendations for the private, non-profit board selection and composition.

This is the back story on it:

Dear Colleagues:

On Friday, the Overture ad hoc committee vote to forward the model presented to it for analysis with a list of further actions to by us, the Common Council. The vote was 6 to 3, and even the yea-sayers support the further actions which I think represent some remaining underlying concerns. Earlier last week, we (Alders Bidar-Sielaff, Verveer and I) had let you know we strongly supported a peer or professional review. Janet Piraino took on the task of seeking totally objective and qualified professionals to look at the model with experienced eyes to assure or warn us for further action. Beginning with a list of names provided by the arts community, the UW and found in the book “The Art of the Turnaround,” (you all received a copy), she spoke to a number of potential consultants and after reviewing with her the information she had gathered, we whittled the list to two recommendations:

Brett Egon, who is the Director of the DeVos Institute of Arts Management at the Kennedy Center, and
Bill “Mitch” Mitchell from Mitchell Works and also affiliated with Halsey North and The North Group

During the time that we were seeking someone to hire for this review at $25,000 or less, it became clear we needed to submit a desired scope of services, which is principally a list of questions and a deadline or two. Shiva and I met Friday to brainstorm a list of questions (attached) and plan “interviews” with the short list. Shiva and I will be holding a telecomference with these candidates late this afternoon to make a recommendation. We are hopeful we can find an acceptable solution to guide us in coming weeks.

May I ask three actions of you?
1 – Review the questions and ask anything else, being mindful of the fact that we have about 2 – 3 weeks for the answers, and we are only paying $25,000.
2 – Consider joining us as sponsors of this action, which will need to be introduced and adopted under suspension of the rules next Tuesday. It will be a 15 vote budget amendment item. Again, we have little time and can’t authorize work to begin without our approval.

Sorry for the late notice ad I am sure it would not bee too late to add questions during the study period. I have been without power all day – yup, the internet needs the modem that needs the electricity – and just caught a neighbor on the way in the door t borrow a network.

Thank you for staying involved!

Lauren Cnare
Alder, District 3

– Also and independent review of the building condition for Overture.
This one boils down to this:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council amends the 2010 Operating Budget to appropriate $25,000 from the Contingent Reserve to Miscellaneous Appropriations to hire XXXXXXXX to conduct an independent review of the building conditions, building needs and structural integrity of the Overture Center.

The resolution is on the council agenda. It’s pretty basic, and has large blanks for portions still under negotiation. The title just about says it all:

Accepting a deed from Overture Development Corporation for the Overture Center located at 201 State Street; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Lease and Operating Agreement with 201 State Foundation, Inc., or its successor; authorizing the formation of a condominium at the Overture Center; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute such other documents that may be deemed necessary by the City Attorney to implement the transaction

Here’s the report. It’s only 11 pages, but 5 pages of reports and 6 pages of attachments. Here are the recommendations:

That the City endorse a model based on public ownership and private, non-profit operation which is supported by the recommendations listed below:

1. That the City of Madison hire an independent consultant to examine the financial assumptions in the proposed operating model (Focus Model) to determine their accuracy and achievability. (Motion made by Paul Soglin, seconded by Ald. Mike Verveer. Approved unanimously)

2. That the City of Madison engage an engineering or architectural firm, which is qualified to create a punch list for a performing arts center, of building conditions, building needs and the structural integrity of the Overture Center. (Motion made by Paul Soglin, seconded by Ald. Tim Bruer. Approved unanimously)

3. That the City of Madison engage a qualified consultant to create financial and program standards, including community and educational outreach standards, that would be negotiated and achieved between the City of Madison and the operator. (Motion made by Paul Soglin, seconded by Ald. Tim Bruer. Approved unanimously)

4. That the Overture Ad Hoc Committee endorses the philanthropic goals contained in the Overture Center Fund Development Plan (2010-2015) that was presented by Kathleen Woit, President of the Madison Community Foundation and Joe Sensenbrenner at the September 20, 2010 Overture Ad Hoc Committee meeting. (Motion made by Ald. Tim Bruer, seconded by Ald. Mike Verveer. Approved unanimously)

5. That the committee membership on the non-profit operating board reflect the diversity in the City of Madison and engage the community by including, but not be limited to, Common Council members, individuals with significant fundraising expertise, citizens with no connection to performing arts organizations and individuals from the resident organizations. (Motion made by Paul Soglin, seconded by Ald. Tim Bruer. Approved unanimously)

6. That negotiations include opportunities for maximum transparency of operations and reporting. (Motion made by Ald. Lauren Cnare, seconded by Warren Onken. Approved unanimously)

7. That the City explore establishing a significant endowment for the building to meet capital costs and explore and/or examine future private ownership options while maintaining the facility as a performing arts center. (Motion made by Paul Soglin, seconded by Ald. Tim Bruer. Friendly amendment by Warren Onken. Approved by the following vote 7-1-2 – Ayes: Bruer, Bugher, Cnare, Garner, Onken, Soglin, Steinhoff. Noes: Garton. Absent: Sanchez, Verveer.)

The attachments has a link to just about any document you would want to find, if you are interested.

The Treasurer Dana Chabot has resigned and he is being replaced by . . . .

From: Piraino, Janet
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 2:00 PM
To: ALL ALDERS; Carto, Thomas; ‘Linda OHern’; Joe Sensenbrenner; ‘deirdre garton’; Brasser, Dean; May, Michael; Statz, Andrew; Strauch-Nelson, Rachel; Wirtz, Brad; Zellhoefer, Anne; ‘Nino Amato’; Dana Chabot; ‘billkeys@charter.net’; Mark Bugher
Cc: ‘scott.haumersen@wegnercpas.com’
Subject: New MCAD appointment

I wanted to pass along to all of you that the Mayor is nominating Scott Haumersen for appointment to the Madison Cultural Arts District Board. As Managing Partner of Wegner CPAs and after 30 years of providing accounting and auditing services for non-profit organizations, Scott Haumersen is uniquely qualified to become a member and potentially the Treasurer of the MCAD Board at a time when these skills are strongly needed. He is especially skilled at enhancing the accountability, transparency and governance of nonprofit organizations. He is highly qualified to replace Dana Chabot, who has retired from the Board after performing the Treasurer duties with dedication for the past five years.

Among his numerous Board appointments, Mr. Haumersen is a founding board member of the Wisconsin Non-Profit Association, Co-Chair of Finance for the Leadership Council of the UW-Milwaukee Helen Bader Institute for Non-Profit Management, and Treasurer of the Capital Times Kids Fund.

Mr. Haumersen lives in Sun Prairie, so his confirmation will require 15 votes. Because of his unique experience advising on the financial health of non-profit organizations, and because the City is seeking to build regional support for Overture outside of the Madison city limits, the Mayor believes that Madison residency isn’t critical at this juncture.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about his nomination.


Janet Piraino
Chief of Staff


From: Veldran, Lisa
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 8:01 AM
Cc: Cieslewicz, Dave; Piraino, Janet; Phair, Connie; May, Michael; Brasser, Dean; Wirtz, Brad; Lipski, Michael; Carto, Thomas; Birmingham, Nancy; Clark, Brad; Statz, Andrew
Subject: Council Overture Center Discussion – New Meeting Date Confirmed: Thursday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m.

Dear Alders,

After polling alders a new meeting date to discuss the Overture Center has been confirmed. Please delete the original meeting date of October 28, 2010 from your calendar.

Common Council Discussion on Overture Center
Thursday, November 4, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Location: Overture Center, 201 State Street (Room TBD)

Thank you for your patience and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


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