Spencer Black Withdraws Pledge of Support for Hulsey

As Brenda prints below, Spencer Black has recently condemned Hulsey for his decision to print material with quotes missatributed to him, material that he explicitly told Hulsey not to use.

For Hulsey, he probably figured it was worth the gamble.  It’s only a few days until election day – what’s one more lie?

However, it seems that Spencer Black has backed out of his (initially dubious) decision to back Hulsey in the first place.  From the WSJ:

“I had previously indicated that I was intending to vote for the entire Democratic ticket. At this point, I am rethinking how I intend to vote in the Assembly race.” says Spencer Black.

Time is not on Hulsey’s side.  What other skeletons are in the closet?


  1. They have no defense. Their candidate is an ethical joke – how can it be denied? Honestly, I wonder how they justify supporting a candidate like this to themselves.

  2. Politically speaking, Tuesday is going to be the most interesting day around this town in a long time. I am losing my mind with anticipation.

  3. Blume is openly accusing Manski of accepting illegal campaign contributions and demanding an admission and apology over at the Sconz.

    He’s finally gone bye-bye.


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