Joe Parisi: How Would Dane County Be Different?

Question One: If elected, at this time next year, what are three things that would be different about Dane County as a result of your actions?

This time next year:

1. My Office of Economic Development will be in full swing – working with local businesses to make sure they have the resources they need to retain and create jobs across Dane County, and working with them on best practices so we can recruit more business to join our community.

2. We will be continuing the regional conversation of how we promote economic development and implementing our best ideas along the way. We need to create jobs, but we need to make sure we’re creating family supporting jobs that compliment our high quality of life in Dane County. I see great potential for that in the clean energy jobs field – with the added benefit of promoting alternative energy that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

3. I will continue to work for a fair deal for our county, its workers, and its residents, while passionately but respectively fighting for the priorities of our working families that may be under attack by the Republican majority in the legislature.


  1. Joe Parisi has consistently put the people of Wisconsin first and I am confident he will continue to do so when he is elected to be Dane County Executive.

    Like Kathleen Falk, Mr. Parisi will work to protect Dane County’s woods, waters, and wildlife while fostering thoughtful development.

    He will be able to work with the leaders of Madison and surrounding towns and will help to move us into a more prosperous and safe future.


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