Tenant Resource Center Annual Iron Chef Cook-off

It’s that time of year again.  Find out how you can help!

Times are tough.  Here, there and everywhere.  Sadly, those tough times are having an impact on the Tenant Resource Center.  Local funding is flat and we have to raise extra money for the increases in costs, HUD changed its priorities again and we aren’t getting funding from them, fundraising has been down for the last few years, less people have money for training to pay for our seminars and books and in general, the economy is just doing poorly and we have less and less money to run our organization.  Meanwhile, the needs of tenants continue to increase.  And, with Scott Walker and the Republicans in charge and the possible reorganization of the Commerce Department, we’re not likely to continue to get any state funding.   So, we’re struggling and could really use your help so we can continue to help others.

So, what to do?!  Of course, HAVE A PARTY!  One of our most popular events, the Iron Chef Cook-off is back!  This year it will be March 25th, 5 – 7 at the Brink Lounge.  You can help out in several ways:
1.  We need chef’s! We’ll tell you an ingredient, you make hor’douvers for 75 – 100 people, we can reimburse you $75 for the food.   You bring the food, people taste and judge it and then someone wins!  But we all have fun and have good food!
2.   We need sponsors! Not up to cooking  . . . you can sponsor the event for $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or more!  Sponsorships are important because they show community support and encourage others to come to the event.  The money raised will go to help us take care of the woes above so that when people need repairs done or are getting evicted or need to break their lease, or are homeless, we can be here to answer their questions!
3.  Come to the event! Mark your calendars now.  Come to the event (and bring your friends!) on March 25th from 5 – 7 at Brink Lounge.  Suggested donation $25, but due to aforementioned woes . . . we understand if you can’t give that amount and would welcome a donation of any size.
4.  Judges Needed! This year, there will be a people’s choice award in addition to the set of judges that judge the entries.  If you are interested in getting there early and helping be an official judge, please let me know.


1.  If you want to be a sponsor, just let me know by Valentines Day, end of the day. I can make sure your name makes it on the invitation and you can pay at the door, or we can send you an envelope or . . .

2.  You can donate by
a)  Writing a check to Tenant Resource Center 1202 Williamson St Suite 102; or
b)  Donate on-line here through paypal; or
c)  Donate on-line through Community Shares of Wisconsin; or
d)  Become a sustaining member (donate $5 or $10 or more dollars a month through your checking account) and you will be automatically signed up to be a sponsor of our two events every years.  More on sustainers, here;  and finally,
e)  TimeBank dollars are welcome as well!

Any questions, feel free to ask. I really hope you can help us, so we can continue to help others.  We appreciate the many people who have supported us over the years and look forward to another successful event with your help!


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