Comprehensive Plan Revisions Discussion Returns

Plan Commission discusses PROCESS ONLY, tonight. As plans to revise the Comprehensive Plan moves forward on two tracks. One for the non-controversial items, one for the others. (i.e. Grandview Grocery and Cherokee Marsh area)

From: Waidelich, Michael
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 11:59 AM
Cc: Murphy, Brad
Subject: Revised Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process and Schedule


Monday’s Plan Commission agenda includes a discussion of the proposed process and schedule for considering potential map amendments to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan. Continued discussion of this matter was referred from the November 8, 2010 meeting to provide additional opportunities for Common Council members to meet with staff regarding the amendment process, and to incorporate several revisions to the proposed process that were recommended by the Plan Commission.

The attached description and schedule has been revised to create a two-track amendment process which separates consideration of proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments that are essentially technical corrections or that reflect recommendations included in other adopted City plans and approvals, from consideration of potential amendments that have been requested by prospective developers or others in order to accommodate a specific proposed development project or proposed future land use that would not be consistent with the current Comprehensive Plan. These potential amendments will require a more thorough evaluation, additional public input, and at least some of them are likely to be controversial. Many of these proposed projects or future uses would also require a corresponding amendment to the applicable neighborhood, neighborhood development, or special area plan for the area.

Please note that the Plan Commission agenda for the February 7th meeting only includes a discussion of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment process and schedule. No specific potential amendments will be discussed, and a list of potential Comprehensive Plan amendments proposed for possible future consideration is not being presented at this meeting. A tentative schedule for these future steps in the amendment process is outlined in the attachments.

If you have any questions about the attached materials at this time, please let me know. Thank you.

Michael Waidelich
Principal Planner
City of Madison Planning Division

So, here’s when you can start to talk about the actual amendments:

– Prepare revised preliminary list of potential amendments to be considered Feb 21
– Post preliminary list of potential amendments on the Comprehensive Plan website Feb 25
– Plan Commission finalizes the list of potential amendments to be considered Mar 7
– Draft all proposed amendments to be considered Mar

General Community Review of Proposed Map Amendments
– Post all proposed amendments to be consider on the Comprehensive Plan website Mar
– Schedule and conduct community or neighborhood meetings as required Mar-Apr
– Compile comments received on the proposed amendments Mar-Apr
– Prepare staff recommendation on the proposed amendments and comments received Mar-Apr

Formal Review and Adoption of Proposed Map Amendments
Formal consideration of the technical amendments and the amendments recommended in adopted plans (Track 1) could proceed independently prior to consideration of amendments requested to accommodate specific proposed development projects or future land uses not consistent with the current Comprehensive Plan (Track 2). A tentative schedule for considering the Track 1 amendments independently is illustrated below.
– Introduce an ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan amendments, for referral Mar 29
– Plan Commission considers resolution recommending adoption of the Comprehensive Plan amendment ordinance May 2
– Common Council public hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments May 17
– Common Council considers the ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan amendments May 17

– Identification of Potential Map Amendments Advise prospective developers and others who have indicated an interest that written requests to amend the Comprehensive Plan will be required Feb 14
– Deadline for accepting formal requests to amend the Comprehensive Plan Mar 14
– Prepare revised preliminary list of potential amendments that have been requested Mar
– Post preliminary list of requested potential amendments on the Comprehensive Plan website Apr
– Identify the general planning issues that will need to be evaluated if the requested amendments are considered, including the potential need for neighborhood plan amendments Apr
– Plan Commission finalizes the list of requested potential Comprehensive Plan amendments to consider, including identification of needed corresponding neighborhood plan amendments May
– Draft proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments requested to be considered May-June
– Draft corresponding neighborhood plan amendments as required (may include alternatives) May-June

General Community Review of Proposed Plan Amendments
– Schedule and conduct neighborhood and community meetings as required June-July
– Compile comments on proposed neighborhood plan and/or Comprehensive Plan amendments July

Formal Review and Adoption of Proposed Plan Amendments
– Neighborhood Plan Amendments
– – Introduce resolutions adopting the neighborhood plan amendments corresponding to the requested Comprehensive Plan amendments, for referral July
– – Prepare staff response to comments received on proposed neighborhood plan amendments Aug
– – Referral commissions and committees consider proposed neighborhood plan amendments July-Aug
– – Plan Commission considers proposed neighborhood plan amendments Aug
– – Common Council considers proposed neighborhood plan amendments Sept

– Comprehensive Plan Amendments
– – Introduce an ordinance adopting the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments, for referral July
– – Prepare staff response to comments received on proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments Aug
– – Referral commissions and committees consider proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments July-Aug
– – Plan Commission considers and approves a resolution recommending adoption of the ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan amendments Sept
– – Common Council public hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments Sept
– – Common Council considers the ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan amendments Sept


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