Sometimes, I love the Student Newspapers

They accidentally tell the story just a little too truthfully! 🙂

Yeah, we’re not discussing the project with the public openly . . . but we’ll spend $200K of the public money . . . . the public can wait til later. The link to the article is here. Screen shots below.

The words read:

Strauch-Nelson also said though the plans haven’t been discussed openly with the public, there has been a good amount of enthusiasm for the project as a whole. She said those involved see the proposal as an exciting economic development.

“It’s a chance to really have an exciting project in that area to create some jobs,” Strauch-Nelson said.

Strauch-Nelson and Verveer both said the public participatory process will come next, but acknowledged it may still be somewhat far off. When the developers finalize more concrete plans, the proposal will be displayed for community feedback and involvement, Strauch-Nelson said.

So, after we decide, we’ll ask you what you think. The people making money off it think its great!


  1. The Mayor continues to plan in isolation, hiring a consultant (a former city planning director) rather than our own city staff, and once they have a plan they’ll seek more city $ and approval from the Common Council. Perhaps the one new wrinkle is that the home alder signed off on the planning in isolation. Sad.

  2. So, Noel, I am assuming that you have confidence that Soglin will handle these types of things better than Mayor Dave?

    I was supporting you until you dropped out, so if you don’t think things would get better with Soglin in there, then I wish you would have stayed in…

  3. So, AFTER we decide, (pause) (wait for it) ..THEN we’ll ask you what you think. That seems to be the m.o. on a lot of things now. That’s not Public Participation in the decision. That’s Public baby-sitting. That’s a fraud. That’s PRETENDING to involve the public AFTER THE DECISION HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE.


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