Wineke on TV

Fightin’, he’s fightin!

Wineke ‘Fights Back’ in New Television Ad

Ad highlights Verona Dem’s deep roots, priorities in the fight for Dane County’s future

VERONA – Former State Senator and Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Joe Wineke (D-Verona) today released a new television ad in the race for Dane County Executive. The ad, titled “Fight Back”, highlights Wineke’s deep community roots and decades of leadership experience – as well as his commitment to Dane County’s most vulnerable citizens.

Watch Wineke’s ad, “Fight Back”, at

“The new regime in the state capitol has placed Dane County’s working families and seniors squarely in their crosshairs,” said Wineke. “We need a County Executive with the strength and experience to fight back.”

Wineke has purchased air time on area stations through Election Day.


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