Alder Non-vite!

I’ve never seen an alder with so much contempt for a neighborhood and the people who live here. She’s been openly hostile and voted against us when we voted unanimously, but this is just obnoxious. To be kind, maybe it’s not contempt, maybe she’s just inept? I can’t figure it out. I got home Thursday night about 9:30pm and found this in my mailbox.

The meeting was already over.

So, forget that the notice was a non-vite for a moment. Let’s look at the notice to attend.

1. It starts out my saying “One of my goals as your City Council representative is to make government accessible to you.”
FAIL! Last minute notice is not a way to make government accessible to you. It wasn’t just me that got the notice late, there were some sightings of the notice two days earlier in the neighborhood, but several people didn’t get it at all. I got it, and I’m not a renter, so I guess I wasn’t invited.

2. She says she invited “neighborhood association representatives”, twice. I asked around. No one involved in the neighborhood association knew about the meeting and the chair of the association when the meeting was being set up didn’t get one of the invites at her door, tho her neighbors did.

3,  Why not invite the Tenant Resource Center to the meeting to talk about renters’ rights, instead of just inviting city enforcement agencies?  Especially since the Executive Director lives right here in the neighborhood?  (Tho, with this poorly executed notice, I’m glad we didn’t waste any staff time.)

I can’t tell if she’s playing games or grossly inept. Either way, I expect more from my alder.

I wonder how many people signed up for the kickball team?


  1. Maybe, if you would quit beating on her, she would ask you for help.

    I gotta believe that District 2 would be better served if its former alder and its current one weren’t in mortal combat. 🙂

  2. I know exactly what Brenda means. Since
    she was elected I have witnessed many of
    Bridget’s inept actions/statements. She
    has stabbed other alders in the back when she advocates for changes in their
    districts without giving the alder the
    courtesy of a call or email. I am very thankful that she is not my alder. Her
    nickname of Gidget is an apt description of her.

  3. “The young people are taking over, because they know best.”

    Issues with your Alder aside, you probably didn’t need to add this sentence, because now you sound ageist. There are just as many inept people in our age bracket as there are in the 20-something age bracket.

  4. Jesse, didn’t mean to sound ageist, I was mimicking what she frequently says. I appreciate her youthful enthusiasm, but that statement was meant to convey her attitude, not my view of it.

  5. I walked north on N. Butler Thursday morning, and I saw no notice. I walked south on S. Butler Thursday at 5pm, and I saw no notice. I walked north on N. Butler at 6:45pm, and I saw no notice. At around 8:30pm, when coming home from a Capitol Neighborhoods event, I finally saw the notices.

    I also saw a sign outside Gates of Heaven that said “renters meeting” but I also saw a sign on Gates of Heaven’s door that said “softball team signup.” So which was it? A renters meeting or a softball team signup?


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