ALDO under attack!

Hmmmm, looks like the Alcohol License Density Ordinance in place for downtown is facing some challenges. We might actually see some changes not just in the ordinance, but in the attitude and begin stepping away from this goofy, arbitrary ordinance (that for the record I voted against!) Alternatives in the works!

I consider this good news. I know the Economic Development Commission voted against it, not sure who the other committee was, but here’s the update from Scott Resnick.

ALDO – Over the last month I have been attending sub-committee meetings to discuss the renewal of ALDO (the Alcohol Licenses Density Ordinance). For the first time since its inception, two sub-committees have recommended that the council end ALDO. It is my opinion that during the last three years ALDO has failed to curb crime concentrated around University Avenue bars,while the cap on liquor licenses have stifled new entertainment opportunities. After several years, the council is reconsidering how we approach alcohol downtown.

This afternoon I met with Alder Verveer, Bidar-Sielaff, and Subeck to offer a substitute amendment at next Tuesday’s council meeting. If accepted, this would usher in a two-year transition period away from ALDO. It would offer a realistic entertainment license option for downtown venues. It would also allow for capacity extensions for taverns, providing a positive incentive for good behavior.

Moreover, the four of us are offer a resolution to discuss an ALDO alternative – a downtown strategy to manage alcohol licenses and business development. Over the next two years city staff, committees, neighborhood leaders, students and downtown stakeholders would discuss a new way to manage alcohol licenses outside of ALDO that promote positive behavior and better reflect the growth of our downtown community.

I think he meant committees not sub-committees. And he clearly wrote this last night.


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