All that is uninteresting . ..

So, yesterday in the Wisconsin State Journal, Melanie Conklin accused me of being wonkish in my blogging and too focused on policy. While that may be bad for her gossip column, there’s a good reason why I’m policy focused and wonkish . . . Blogging about my day is completely uninteresting . . . I’ll show you.

Today was Rob’s birthday, so we both took the day off. We slept in. Got up, went to a movie. (Yes, it was Harry Potter – It was the first chance we had to go at the same time.) After the movie, we participated in the annual homage to capitalism and did some Christmas shopping – at big box stores nonetheless. After shopping, we ate dinner and came home. Rob went to band practice for Baghdad Scuba Review and I caught up on my e-mails, went and played some Zelda (I’m having trouble getting past the flying hands and big head). Now I’m catching up on some other computer related activities and am going to bed so I can get up early in the morning.

Bored to tears yet? Yup – the wonkish and policy stuff is likely much more interesting. Had enough of this really juicy interesting stuff? Meeee tooooooooo. Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with this stuff again. Sorry Melanie – it’s just not that interesting.


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