Alternate Side Parking Ends

This press release looks like one of my worst blog posts . . .

Today is the 15th, but you park for the next day, so you did not have to alternate side park last night. At least I think that is how it works cuz he says the last night you had to park alternate side was Sunday night. But on the other hand, they say the restrictions go through midnight tonight, so that would lead me to believe you did have to. So confused. Hope you didn’t get a ticket either way.

Alternate Side Parking Rules End Until Next November

The City of Madison’s alternate side parking rules ended Sunday evening. Madison residents no have to follow the rules. Alternate side parking restrictions require you to park on the even house numbered side of the street between the hours of 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. on even numbered days and on the odd house numbered side of the street on odd numbered days.

Alternate side parking restrictions are in effect through midnight on March 15th. That means that the last night residents had to follow the rules was Sunday night. The rules will go back into effect on November 15th.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, you might live in the snow emergency zone, where you only have to alternate side park when . . . well, whenever they decide, it used to be if there was 3 inches or more of snow, but that is highly inconsistent and they make up the rules much like the Fitzgerald brothers. And, if for some reason it does snow, they could, but likely won’t, still call a snow emergency.

Clear as the mud on the capitol lawn, right?


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