Amendments to Tree Lane Security Proposal

An alternate proposal (Tree Lane Alternate) that the council will be considering tonight lowers the amount of money to be spent and replaces security with 24/7 staff at the front desk.

Proposed Changes

– Change $165,000 to $145,000
– ADDS LANGUAGE – WHEREAS, according to the Evidence Based Practice KIT
<> for
training frontline staff in supportive housing published by the US Department of Health and Human Services, “A positive helping relationship or therapeutic alliance is the foundation for effective Permanent Supportive Housing. The relationship that develops between you and the people you want serve is crucial to the tenants’ personal success in their living situation, your success as a worker, and the success of your program.”;

WHEREAS the best practices promoted by the US DHHS are founded on building trust and non-coercive relationships with tenants and include 24/7 access to a case manager or social worker and 24/7 front desk attendant or resident coordinator trained in trauma-informed practices; and,
– Add “temporary support” not security. The requirements of that support are:
providing temporary support, as the City Response team deems appropriate to Tree Lane Apartments, LLC. to help defray costs associated with ensuring 24/7 front desk coverage that by at least one employee or staff person. This person, or persons, must be experienced in, or before beginning their responsibilities receive training in, trauma-informed practices and conflict de-escalation practices. Staff filling this position would be stationed at the property’s front entrance at all times to more effectively manage and monitor access to the building, and adherence to established guest policies, in order to enhance the safety and security of tenants and visitors for added front desk support
– The money can’t be spent on security unless they come back to council for approval – BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City funds shall not be used to employ or pay for the employment of armed security unless approved by the Common Council
– Requires a report – The Community Development Division will submit a report to the Common Council, no later than June 4, 2019, describing the use and impact of this funding. Funding is authorized for the
described use for the balance of 2019, unless the Common Council decides on or after September 3, 2019, to discontinue it.

It’ll be interesting to see how this goes. I’m guessing the council has the support.


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