An Open Letter To Chris Mertes – The Sequel

A few years back, Sun Prairie Star Editor Chris Mertes wrote such a ridiculous editorial that I wrote him an open letter.

Mertes has outdone himself with his latest editorial so it is time for a sequel.

It is said before every city council and plan commission meeting. It is said before every Sun Prairie Lions Club and Sun Prairie Rotary Club meeting — and probably every other civic organization meeting for that matter:

“I Pledge Allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the Republic

for which it stands,

one Nation under God,


with liberty and justice for all.”

Generations of American school children have memorized it. One might argue it is one of the few patriotic vestages remaining in our public schools.


Few remaining vestiges?  Public schools themselves are patriotic. After the American Revolution, Thomas Jefferson argued that the newly independent nation needed an educational system, and he suggested that tax dollars be used to fund it.  jefferson himself Founded the University of Virginia and in his mind, his greatest accomplishment was not only founding this educational institution, but also that he allowed people to attend it for free.

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance without truly understanding it is not a Patriotic Act, anymore than going to church on Sunday makes you a disciple(more on that later).

In 2002, former Navy Seal and Governor of Minnesota vetoed making the Pledge of Allegiance mandatory and said this:

I believe patriotism comes from the heart. Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of loyalty and allegiance that is the result of knowledge and belief. A patriot shows their patriotism through their actions, by their choice.
Chapter 391 is not about choice. In Chapter 391, the State mandates patriotic actions and displays. Our government should not dictate actions. The United States of America exists because people wanted to be free to choose. All of us should have free choice when it comes to patriotic displays… a government wisely acting within its bounds will earn loyalty and respect from its citizens. A government dare not demand the same.
There is much more to being a patriot and a citizen than reciting the pledge or raising a flag.
Patriots serve. Patriots vote. Patriots attend meetings in their community. Patriots pay attention to the actions of government and speak out when needed. Patriots teach their children about our history, our precious democracy and about citizenship. Being an active, engaged citizen means being a patriotic American every day. No law will make a citizen a patriot.

Back to Mertes:

And yet, there is at least one school in the Sun Prairie Area School District where kids are being ridiculed for standing and saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

And, I’m also told, the teacher hides the U.S. flag saying “It’s back there. You don’t need to see it.”

Hearsay as the main subject of your editorial?  Were you really told this or did you just use it as a chance to take yet another cheap shot at our public schools?  Did you do any follow up or just decide your source was impeccable enough to go to print?   As a blogger, I have had numerous things “told” to me that never make it into a story because I can not verify it.

Maybe “Seek Truth and Report It” should your New years resolution.


Few can argue the power of the 31 words of the Pledge of Allegiance. According to a few web searches, The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931). It was originally published in The Youth’s Companion on Sept. 8, 1892.The Pledge in its current form was adopted in 1924 (the words “Under God” were added in 1954).

Let’s hear it for background and research!!

It’s ironic, considering those who want to subvert it today are more than likely socialist in nature (but they probably don’t like the Under God part).

Don’t like the under God part?  Does that mean that only Republicans are Christian?  Maybe you can explain the comments on Greta Van Susteren’s facebook page, regarding Harry Reid:

Martin Serrano Millions of Americans including myself would love to punch this POS mummy out !!

  • John Adams crap–he survived !!!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs
  • John David Floyd Cold not have happened to a more deserving guy!!
    You get the idea, i wonder if they got those lines from the book of Matthew?


More Mertes: 

When you Pledge Allegiance you promise your loyalty to the flag itself; that we can’t be divided or alone, and understand the right to Liberty and Justice belongs to all of us.

We can’t be divided, unless of course that is your Governor’s main strategy.

More Mertes:     OK, now I see why socialists hate it. It’s something bigger than big government.

Socialists are so big government that the next thing you know they will be pushing for mandatory ultrasounds for pregnant women or telling the duly elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that the Government has decided she is too old to serve.

Fianl Mertes:

That’s why it should be said again and again: “I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag . . .”

I agreeand I will make my kid’s recite often during their day off of public school.  First however I have to teach them the evils of socialism, by not allowing them to use our sewer system, followed by going out and yelling obscenities at the snow plows!

Jesus will be proud!




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