Another Busy Week Ahead – Especially for District 2

Another busy week (3 days!) ahead . . . lots going on for people interested in District 2 issues*.


Board of Estimates 4:30 in Room 260 of the Municipal Building (215 Martin Luther King Blvd.)

Landmarks Commission 4:30 in Room LL-130 in the Municipal Building (215 Martin Luther King Blvd.)

Affirmative Action Commission Subcommittee on Gender Issues 4:00 Room 523 City-County Building (210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.)

Madison Election Advisory Committee 4:30 Room 103A City-County Building (210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.)

Board of Water Commissioners 4:30 119 E Olin Ave.

  • Discussion of $300,000 Water Utility Contract. More info here.

Public Safety Review Board 5:00 Room LL-110 Municipal Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.)

  • Neighborhood Electric Vehicles
  • Halloween Resolutions 1, 2 & 3
  • Fake Guns. More info here
  • Automated Red Light Running Enforcement (i.e. cameras)

Urban Design Commission 4:15 Room 260 Municipal Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.)

Housing Committee 5:00 Room 260 Municipal Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.)

* The Central District Police Community Meeting will be 7 – 8:30 at Lapham School Gym, 1045 E Dayton St.

Board of Parks Commissioners 6:30 Warner Park Community Center


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