Benches Reinstalled on State St.

Yup. Unilateral decision of the Mayor. Kinda Mayor Dave like.

Wow. Thanks to everyone who emailed the Mayor about this issue, apparently it had an impact. Daily Cardinal reports on the reinstallment. (Badger Herald too, but not as clear)

I’m a little surprised that he over-rode the decision and it worked. A committee already made a different decision – I can’t believe the mayor just over-rode that decision. If I was on the committee I’d be screaming loud and often about how this isn’t right. I’m trying to figure out how the mayor justifies this one. But I like the outcome.

I was also trying to figure out how you would get this decision of the committee appealed. State St. Oversight Design Committee seems to have unilateral decision making power here. I guess you’d have to have the council over-ride them. I’d love to see this discussion at the council meeting!

Glad to see the community prevailed, not sure if I like the way it was done. I’m wondering if the mayor was aware of the process they went through before he made this decision. Did staff tell him about the committee meeting and did he still make this decision?


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