Blaska/Mahoney’s War on “Illegals”

The recent dust up at LaFollette West, with a LaFollete student got Blaska blathering again . . . or did he, himself, say “whining” . . . .

Due to my new crusade to point out items that are not factual in Blaska’s blog (I’m not sure how long I can take this), I started reading the portions of his blog that pertain to local issues. Here’s what caught me eye.

Here is what the oh-so-politically correct WI State Journal will NOT tell you: the two gang bangers are illegal aliens.

First of all, politically correct WI State Journal?

Second of all, I was wondering how he knew they were “illegals”? (That term is so offensive, but that’s Blaska’s game – to be as offensive as possible to attract attention, which is why I hate giving it to him.)

Well, here’s how he knows, according to the comments on his blog:

From: David Mahoney

Subject: Re: Illegals?

Date: September 8, 2010 7:11:48 PM CDT

To: David Blaska


—–Original Message—–

From: David Blaska

To: Mahoney, David

Sent: Wed Sep 08 19:03:40 2010
Subjec: Illegals?

Carmelo Salgado-Lopez, 19,
Uriel Duran-Martinez, 18


David Blaska

Something about that didn’t make sense, because the paper said one was released on signature bond and the other was on a probation hold. So, I thought I’d try my luck with Mahoney.

from Brenda Konkel
date Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 5:52 PM
subject illegals?


held for ICE?

or released on signature bond?

Brenda Konkel

I also cut and pasted the above at the bottom of the email. Here’s the response:

from Mahoney, David
date Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 6:17 PM
subject Re: illegals?

Feel free to call booking, the staff can provide you with current status.

Ok, fine. I’m not sure why he gives out immigration status so freely but not status of people in his own jail. Maybe its his political agenda? Anyways, I called. I used the automated VINE system. Uriel is no longer in jail. One of Carmelo’s charges was a violation of probation, and he is still in jail. (I supposed it is possible that Uriel was whisked away by ICE, but I kinda doubt that ICE would leave the person with more charges and is the known gang member in jail and take the guy released on signature bond, so I presume this guy is there on a probation hold.)

So, it appears that ICE, that was so proud of working with the Madison Police Department to take 11 alleged gang members out of the community for something they might do because they were such a high risk to the community, don’t care about these two individuals? And what really doesn’t make sense to me is that the people removed from the community were in the gang of the person killed. The gang members from the gang that allegedly killed a person are of no concern?

Something is goofy here.

Anyways, back to the accusation about the “politically correct” State Journal. Does Blaska think that the State Journal (or any media) has to ask the question of immigration status any time a person has a hispanic sounding name? Wouldn’t the fact that ICE is allegedly actively and aggressively removing gang members from the community lead you to think that if in fact these alleged gang members were not here with appropriate papers, ICE would have taken care of that. And that if they were released this was not an issue?


  1. I guess, Brenda, your statement to Stu Levitan on Access: City Hall was not accurate. Perhaps even untruthful. You actually do read Blaska’s Blog, headache or not.

    Still waiting for you to disprove even one of my facts. The lads were illegal aliens. Why the State Journal would report part of the story, only some of the alleged illegalities but not the other, is something I’ve had editor John Smalley explain. At least, he tried to explain in the wake of the drive-by shooting outside Webcrafters. After my shaming, the newspaper did belatedly reveal the killers’ illegal status. I had that story days earlier.

    We both know why this bothers you, Brenda. The increased gang activity by illegal aliens in Madison derails the pretty little narrative of you supporters of illegal immigration that unregulated immigration is nothing but good for America.

    Is it reasonable to think that the murderous drug wars of Mexico would not seek new territories to conquer?

    BTW: The “dust-up” was not at LaFollette.

    Facts, Brenda.

  2. I discussed the change in strategy on reading your blog here: and mention it in the beginning of the article again.

    I can’t prove the students are or are not here properly, I don’t have access to those types of records. I didn’t say you were wrong on these facts, I said it caught my eye. Tho I’m intrigued . . . If these are dangerous gang members, why did ICE let one of them go? Doesn’t fit the narrative of the Madison Police or Dane County Sheriff. I’m looking for answers on this one. I don’t know if you are right or wrong, but I have no reason to disbelieve the emails between you and Sheriff Mahoney. (Unlike the alleged email between you and Arial)

    My bad on LaFollette, not on top of my game, I’ll blame the codeine in the cough syrup. The student was from LaFollette, the dust up was at West, you are correct.

    p.s. I am perfectly fine with explaining why this bugs me, you don’t have to explain it for me.


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