Bus Fare Increase and Public Hearing

Monday is the big day for Madison Metro. Will they raise the fares and make those with the least among us pay the price? Will they find a way to cut costs so they don’t need to raise the fares? Will they find a way to not raise the cash fares that the lowest income people tend to pay, but instead raise other fares?

More details of the challenges facing this citizen committee are detailed here. Will they be kicked off the Transit and Parking Commission if the Mayor is displeased with their ultimate decision? Would the Council stand up to the Mayor and prevent that from happening? How will this affect spring elections?

The questions are many, the big decision starts Monday. If you ride the bus, they need to hear from you!! Info about the protest and the hearing are below.


Protest the Bus Fare Increase

Monona Terrace Walkway
Monday, November 24th

“Buses for the People!”
“Affordable Transit for All!”

Public Hearing begins at 6:00pm
City Transit & Parking Commission

Sponsored by the Madison Area Bus Advocates
Questions: 242-9232

Hearing info is here.

Monday, November 24; 6:00 PM
Monona Terrace; Rooms KLMOPQ

On Monday, November 24, Metro Transit and the City of Madison Transit and Parking Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed fare increases to tentatively go into effect in March 2009.

Their decision will actually be made at their December meeting.


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