Busy Week Ahead

Sometimes looking at the City’s Weekly Meeting Schedule make me wish I could clone myself.

The list meetings that look interesting this week are as follows:

Monday, June 11, 2007
8:45 Early Childhood Care and Education Board Subcommittee on the Future of Child Care in Madison – Room 260

Childcare costs are rising, the state is cutting funds and families are struggling to figure out how to pay for quality childcare so they can go to work and childcare providers are bearing the brunt of what has become a crisis. What will the Cities role be in this? This is the first meeting of this new subcommittee.

2:30 Early Childhood Care and Education Board Allied Child Care Subcommittee – Waisman Center, Room S 159

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
4:30 Madison Election Advisory Committee Room 103A City County Building

Zach Brandon’s poorly written loopholes ordinance that restricts poll workers from being involved politically will be discussed.

5:00 Affirmative Action Commission Room LL-120 Madison Municipal Building

The resolutions on gender of top city officials and their salaries and the gender of people appointed to committees will be discussed.

7:00 Common Council Discussion on Chronic Nuisance Ordinance – 200 Madison Municipal Building

Rumor is that there will be another version of the ordinance provided tonight, but based on the discussion last time, there are not many Alders that seem in support. There seem to be more questions than answers.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
5:00 Housing Affordability Subcommittee of the Housing Committee – Room 120 Madison Municipal Building

Hopefully, the agenda will be amended to talk further about a Housing Plan for the City of Madison. We have much going on, but it would be nice to have a comprehensive plan for the City when it comes to housing.

5:35 Joint Meeting of the Community Services Commission, Early Childhood Care and Education Board and the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee – Room 300 Madison Municipal Building

6:30 Board of Park Commissioners – 1625 Northport Drive, Warner Park Community and Recreation Center

The City Attorney has written a memo to help us determine if the Park Commission has the authority to authorize disposition of parkland, or if the Common Council has that authority.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
1:00 Madison Plan Commission Subcommittee on Demolition Standards – Room LL-130 Madison Municipal Building

4:00 CDA Long Range Planning Subcommittee – Room 260 Madison Municipal Building

They are choosing an architect to move forward with possible redevelopment of Truax.

5:00 Equal Opportunities Commission – Room LL-120 Madison Municipal Building

They, too, will be discussing the new version of the Chronic Nuisance Ordinance.

Friday, June 15, 2007
8:00 Inclusionary Zoning Oversight Committee


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