Capital Budget Presentations – Traffic Engineering

Here’s another one, still from last week Monday.

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David Dryer says they requested $2.4M which they got and $1.24 is GO about 50% and the largest item is radio communications upgrade and the supervisor of that is here if they have questions.

Painting curbs
Mayor says he has two questions, if a request for a traffic signal comes in for an intersection or traffic calming devices, how is that handled. Dryer says he has yet to have a traffic calming device come through here in the 17 years he has been here. With traffic signals they like to go through the review process with Ped Bike and they have never had a council not fund a traffic signal if the commission identified it as needed. That is the process that he recommends. They have not in 17 years added a single project in the budget. Traffic signals are not always the panacea people thing they are.

Lauren Cnare asks about curb painting, she says she gets lots of request for curbs to be painted yellow in front of their places, what if this 13 year old machine breaks, do you have other ways to paint things or do you just forego the work. Dryer says that they can hand paint and we have push sprayers. She asks what the cost on that is, they say $75,000. Dryer says it is essentially a lawn mower with a painting attachment.

Shiva Bidar-Sielaff says she gets lots of requests too, is it scheduled for 2016, is that something you are comfortable with, will it last another 2 years. Dryer says he has not had his shop supervisor say it needs to be replaced pronto but if you want to move it up, we would take it.

Larry Palm asks about summer employment for youth. Dryer says that we use college students for panting. They are out there at nights.

Mike Verveer asks about the cameras. Could you respond to the question about where if any in the TE budget do you have authorization. Dryer says that they fund it out of traffic signal funds. It is a device we use to assist in controlling traffic. We are able to see situation and contractors doing things they should not be doing, often times we are able to see a traffic crash that allows us to help PD reconstruct the crash. We are always looking to add more to our major intersections.

Verveer says, so unlike police department needs not being addressed, but your are generally addressed, Yes.


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