Caprenters (Dual Endorse?) Parisi

Hmmm, looks like the carpenters didn’t just endorse Wineke, but Parisi too?

United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 314
Endorses Rep. Joe Parisi for Dane County Executive

MADISON – Former Dane County Clerk and current State Representative Joe Parisi (D-Madison) announced that United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 314 has endorsed his campaign for Dane County Executive.

This is the latest endorsement Joe has received from Dane County’s working families. Recently, Joe was endorsed by International Brotherhood of Electric Workers Local 159. Parisi also received the first union endorsement of the Dane County Executive’s race when he earned the support of the United Transportation Union.

“I’m grateful to have the support of the working men and women of Carpenters local 314,” said Parisi. “I have great respect for the work these men and women do. Their families, and all working families, deserve our respect. More importantly, they deserve to have a champion working for them as Dane County executive – I will stand up for them.”

Joe’s campaign continues to build support and momentum. Joe has also received the endorsement of 2010 Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Mayor Tom Barrett, powerful advocacy organization Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, Dane County women leaders, Democratic Assembly leaders inside and outside of Dane County, leading environmental advocates, and Former Dane County Executive Rick Phelps.

As Dane County Executive, Parisi will focus on job creation and retention, making the county a leader in good paying clean energy jobs, and protecting vital human and public services that keep our families and our community safe.


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