Carpenters Go For Wineke

Another endorsement and why . . .

United Brotherhood of Carpenters Endorse Joe Wineke
Working families continue to rally behind Verona Democrat in race for County Executive

VERONA – Former State Senator and Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Joe Wineke (D-Verona) today announced the endorsement of United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 314 in the race for Dane County Executive. Local 314’s membership voted enthusiastically to endorse Wineke, citing his decades of work to create and protect family-supporting union jobs in the region – particularly those in the building trades.

“Joe Wineke has always been a friend of the Carpenters,” said Greg Leckwee, Local 314 President. “As County Executive, I know he’ll have the backs of all working families in Dane County.”

“Joe Wineke was an early and firm supporter of the Edgewater project and all the union jobs that came with it,” said Past President Jim Goldsmith. “Joe knows what it takes to create and keep good paying jobs in our community.”

The Carpenters’ announcement marks Wineke’s second union endorsement in as many weeks. Local 314 joins the United Steelworkers in supporting the Verona Democrat, adding to growing momentum in Wineke’s bid for County Executive.

“It’s an honor to have the working men and women of Dane County place their trust in my leadership,” said Wineke. “I am wholeheartedly grateful for their support in the fight for Dane County’s future.”

The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners is the nation’s largest building trades union, representing over 2,000 active members and retirees in south central Wisconsin alone.


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