Still Not Convinced.

Yesterday, the Council members were emailed a new version of the Public Nuisance Ordinance. I also attended a Community Meeting in the Darbo...

Inclusionary Zoning Updates

As the market slowed, so did the production of housing, including inclusionary zoning units, but we recently got an update that although there were...

This is just silly.

Ok - so I heard about this from 3 or 4 people before it was in the newspaper and its been bugging me, but...

Gloomy Friday Round Up!

Here it is, lets find out who got screwed this week! FEE SPEECHWhile we continue to talk about the impact of money in local...

Rent Going UP – $1-1.5 Million!

What happens when over 1,000 affordable housing units that were previous tax exempt suddenly have to pay property taxes? Evictions, rent increases, affordable...

Allied Drive – 50% Homeownership

Well, here we go, some of the issues I have raised about affordable housing on Allied Drive, the property the City bought there and...

Council Recap – Property Tax Exemption Resolution (#24)

Here's a recap on the resolution asking the State Legislature to fix the Property Tax Exemption Problem caused by court cases brought to court...

Homeless Services vs. Economic Development

What a ridiculous choice to have to make! Your input needed tonight! I believe the federal law and intent dictate what the...

James Madison Park A Wet Shelter?

I think not. But nice photoshop job David.The last three Blaska Blog's have some how made some reference to me and affordable housing...

A Meeting about Ordinance Revisions

Worst. Agenda. Ever. Ok, maybe not, I've seen some pretty bad agendas, but the county folks should note, I'm not blaming...

Overwhelmed Friday Round Up

There is no way humanly possible to finish all the blogging I have planned for today. So, you might want to check back...

Allied Drive . . . February 1st is Coming.

February 1st, the big deadline for the WHEDA application to help make the housing affordable on Allied Drive. And what do we...