IZ Myths (or Lies or Spin) – #1 – 5

I was going to do a blog entry about the IZ myths, or lies, or spin that I have been hearing and I was...

The Friday Snarkarama

I have about 30 blog topics in my queue that I haven't gotten to, I might not have snarky comments about all of them,...

The "Problem" with the Homeless

Has war been declared on the homeless? Should we fence off our parks, prevent people from getting food from food pantries and prevent...

Wednesday Round Up

Today is Friday for me, as I get to enjoy another 4 day weekend (Steel Bridge Music Festival in Door County!), then panic when...

Ask a question . . . and let the chaos begin . ..

So, I asked a question in a private meeting the other day . . . and I've had people ask me the silliest questions...

WSJ: Does it Again

It would be kind of cool if the WSJ Editorial folks would actually write about facts, instead of making them up. Here's their...

Edgewater Heavy Round Up, But a Few Other Things . . ..

This is all I have for today, I got up late and thought I could work on it at work, but 20 minutes in,...

The People’s Housing Vision Moves Forward . . .

Thursday night at 5:30 at the Central Library . . . Last month we scaled down our long list of housing concerns and possible...

Economic Development Plan – Recommendations 4 – 6

Junkets to Southern California and Germany, yeah, that's what will help economic development . . . RECOMMENDATION # 4 – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOOLKITED PLAN...

The TiVo’d Common Council Recap (Property Tax Exemption Again)

I was unable to be at the evening meeting due to the fact that I had to go to a funeral north of Milwaukee...

Propert Tax Exemption Meeting Friday

So, the awaited report from staff will be discussed . . . you know, the one where the City says they can't do anything,...

Short Story on Section 8

Ok - so what's the plan to help those who are on section 8 and had their portion of the rent raised in some...