Help Dane County Families Stay in their Homes!

It's time for the Tenant Resource Center's "Iron Chef" Cook-off event. It will be at the Brink Lounge from 5 - 7 on...

The State of Affordable Housing in this City – DISASTROUS!

So, after the Housing Committee meeting last night and a series of three discussions, with a 4th one interwoven, I can clearly say, the...

A sign of the times.

Yesterday, I was the housing counselor at the Tenant Resource Center from 9 to noon. During that time, I had 9 people come...

The Sun Sets on Inclusionary Zoning

And no one is going to stop it. After spending over 5 years of my life working on the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance,...

Lies! Don’t Believe Everything You Read!

Ok - there must be some sort of glitch in the universe, where facts can now just be made up. Put down the...

The solution: Disperse Poverty.

Let's not waste our time trying to solve the issues . . . that's too hard.The Mayor is back with his broken plan to...

TIF Policy – What’s Next?

The committee finally finished its report! Only a year late!The report is done and now it goes off to the Board of Estimates...

The SUV and Suburban Home Becoming Less Popular?

It may be too soon to tell, but I found this article in the Capital Times very interesting.In particular I found this passage very...

Homeless Services vs. Economic Development

What a ridiculous choice to have to make! Your input needed tonight! I believe the federal law and intent dictate what the...

James Madison Park A Wet Shelter?

I think not. But nice photoshop job David.The last three Blaska Blog's have some how made some reference to me and affordable housing...

WSJ: Does it Again

It would be kind of cool if the WSJ Editorial folks would actually write about facts, instead of making them up. Here's their...

Inclusionary Zoning Recommendations

The Mayor asked the Inclusionary Zoning Committee to come up with recommendations for the Inclusionary Zoning Program. Today, the committee will begin the...