A Meeting about Ordinance Revisions

Worst. Agenda. Ever. Ok, maybe not, I've seen some pretty bad agendas, but the county folks should note, I'm not blaming...

City Solutions to Affordable Housing

"Galoot" on thedailypage forum asked what Cities can do for affordable housing beyond the state and federal programs such as Section 8. It's...

Raid II: Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Not so fast Mr. Mayor. When the Mayor announced that he was interested in using the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, outside the City...

Inclusionary Zoning & the American Dream: How much equity should a homebuyer get when...

Recent local discussions about changes or repeal of Madison's Inclusionary Zoning* program have focused on several issues. The first one I'd like to address...

Voila! And now the Mayor Agrees to Try to Add 30 Police Officers

That didn't take long. I wonder what the "sacrifice and cuts" are going to be? To: Chief Noble...

Allied Drive: They don’t know.

Yesterday I went to the meeting on Allied Drive to see the grand unveiling of the "plans" for Allied Drive. Fortunately, I didn't...

Property Tax Exemption: Where’s the "Out"?

So, Attorney Tim Radelet has suggested how the City can get out of this situation. The Property Tax Exemption Subcommittee of the Housing...

The People’s Housing Vision Moves Forward . . .

Thursday night at 5:30 at the Central Library . . . Last month we scaled down our long list of housing concerns and possible...

James Madison Park Committee given 2.5 months to decide.

The boys and I (I'm sorry, but its hard not to notice when there are 8 guys - counting the staff - and me...

Inclusionary Zoning: How many incentives are enough?

The City of Madison adopted an Inclusionary Zoning program a little less than two years ago. The theory behind the program is that the...

Taxpayer Free Affordable Housing – Defeated.

Q: What if the City could come up with a program that created affordable housing and didn't cost the taxpayer a dime?A: ...

Possible Housing Solutions

After brainstorming the various housing issues in the areas of tenant/landlord, homelessness, discrimination and affordable housing/development the three groups brainstormed possible solutions to the...