Lies! Don’t Believe Everything You Read!

Ok - there must be some sort of glitch in the universe, where facts can now just be made up. Put down the...

Raid II: Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Not so fast Mr. Mayor. When the Mayor announced that he was interested in using the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, outside the City...

Allied Drive . . . February 1st is Coming.

February 1st, the big deadline for the WHEDA application to help make the housing affordable on Allied Drive. And what do we...

The SUV and Suburban Home Becoming Less Popular?

It may be too soon to tell, but I found this article in the Capital Times very interesting.In particular I found this passage very...

A People’s Vision – Homelessness Issues

This was one of the topic areas with the most responses . . . These are the items that got the most responses:- Need...

The Sun Sets on Inclusionary Zoning

And no one is going to stop it. After spending over 5 years of my life working on the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance,...

A People’s Vision – Tenant/Landlord Issues

I still don't have all the notes done, but this is a start!Just a little background to get you started if you weren't there....

Realtors work in good faith . . .

Not.You may have seen the recent article in the Isthmus about the Realtors take on inclusionary zoning, and here's another one in the Sunday...

Affordable Housing . . . some day . . .

In 2002, then Alds. Todd Jarrell and Tom Powell worked very hard to pass an Affordable Housing Trust Fund. I'll admit, I was...

Rent Going UP – $1-1.5 Million!

What happens when over 1,000 affordable housing units that were previous tax exempt suddenly have to pay property taxes? Evictions, rent increases, affordable...

A WTF morning.

So, I started three different blogs this morning, I delayed two of them cuz the links I was trying to use on the city...

Random thoughts of the day . . .

Short and sweet . . .1. I want my paycheck too.2. Thank goodness that did not work out. Didn't even make...