Lies! Don’t Believe Everything You Read!

Ok - there must be some sort of glitch in the universe, where facts can now just be made up. Put down the...

TiVo’d Council Meeting, Part II

The important/juicy part . . . Check here for part 1.PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIONAlder Solomon clarified his motion was to figure out the implications...

The State of Affordable Housing in this City – DISASTROUS!

So, after the Housing Committee meeting last night and a series of three discussions, with a 4th one interwoven, I can clearly say, the...

The People’s Housing Vision Moves Forward . . .

Thursday night at 5:30 at the Central Library . . . Last month we scaled down our long list of housing concerns and possible...

Council Recap: December 4

The council meeting was a short 1.5 hours, with little to report. Here's what happened of note:1. Dick Wagner received the Jeff...

Short Story on Section 8

Ok - so what's the plan to help those who are on section 8 and had their portion of the rent raised in some...

Rent Going UP – $1-1.5 Million!

What happens when over 1,000 affordable housing units that were previous tax exempt suddenly have to pay property taxes? Evictions, rent increases, affordable...

Gloomy Friday Round Up!

Here it is, lets find out who got screwed this week! FEE SPEECHWhile we continue to talk about the impact of money in local...

People’s Affordable Housing Vision

After taking August off, we're back it!To refresh your memory, here's the work we've done so far (affordable housing, homelessness, discrimination/fair housing and tenant/landlord)....

Forum on Non-profit Property Tax Exemption Issue on Friday

Forum on non-profit property tax exemption issue . . . You are invited! May 15: Threats to Nonprofit Property Tax Exemption: It's Not Only...

Hmmm . . . Section 8 Problem Solved?

At 4:28 today, about a half hour before the two meetings Housing Committee and Economic Development Commission were scheduled to discuss this very issue,...

The Briefer than Usual Council Recap

Partially written from the DMV . . . so you know its not a good morning! Waiting to get a replacement title...