Affordable Housing Trust Fund – How & When Should it Be Spent

The Affordability Subcommittee of the Housing Committee met Thursday to talk about future uses of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Here's a glimpse of...

TIF Policy – What’s Next?

The committee finally finished its report! Only a year late!The report is done and now it goes off to the Board of Estimates...

Affordable Housing . . . some day . . .

In 2002, then Alds. Todd Jarrell and Tom Powell worked very hard to pass an Affordable Housing Trust Fund. I'll admit, I was...

Allied Drive – No budget, contradication and a road with little detail.

Q: When is a road not a road?A: When it involves the Allied Drive neighborhood and the Mayor.So, hunting down the details...

Voila! And now the Mayor Agrees to Try to Add 30 Police Officers

That didn't take long. I wonder what the "sacrifice and cuts" are going to be? To: Chief Noble...

Economic Development Plan – Recommendations 4 – 6

Junkets to Southern California and Germany, yeah, that's what will help economic development . . . RECOMMENDATION # 4 – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOOLKITED PLAN...

Raid II: Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Not so fast Mr. Mayor. When the Mayor announced that he was interested in using the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, outside the City...

A WTF morning.

So, I started three different blogs this morning, I delayed two of them cuz the links I was trying to use on the city...

CDA again attempts to raid Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Three years ago, I attempted to make some changes to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (nice, they've changed history and removed my name entirely) to allow more use of the $4M that is in the fund. The Mayor opposed those changes. Michael Schumacher removed my name and introduced it last January and still, the changes went no where . . . until now, when the CDA again wants to bend the rules to get the money. $1M of the $4M to create no new units and make current housing less affordable.

Ask a question . . . and let the chaos begin . ..

So, I asked a question in a private meeting the other day . . . and I've had people ask me the silliest questions...

James Madison Park A Wet Shelter?

I think not. But nice photoshop job David.The last three Blaska Blog's have some how made some reference to me and affordable housing...

IZ Myths (or Lies or Spin) – #1 – 5

I was going to do a blog entry about the IZ myths, or lies, or spin that I have been hearing and I was...