Allied – About Face!

Gulp. This article in the Wisconsin State Journal is a pretty fair assessment of the situation with Allied Drive. The thumbnail sketch...

Childcare: Squandering Resources

So, I'm sitting in the Early Childhood Care and Education Board meeting and we're talking about the lack of quality childcare for the 321...

Nuisance Abatements and Evictions

I was at a meeting of the Allied Drive Task force and was amazed when one of the Assistant City Attorneys explained how excited...

Budget Night One: Public Testimony (Updated – Final)

Last night, we heard 5 hours of public testimony on the budget, and didn't vote on one single item. We have 17 Capital...

Common Council Recap

A three hour meeting took care of a 839 page packet of information for the meeting . . . not too bad. Here's...

Common Council Recap: 1/8/2008

Snooze.In fact, I just realized that it was so boring that I didn't even preview the meeting. Ooops, sorry, I was too busy...

Is the Mayor above the Law?

Can he just ignore Madison General Ordinances because he thinks he has a better idea? If so, why not just eliminate the Common...


Sigh. I don't think I can sit through another meeting on Allied, but I have one today and there's one more tomorrow. ...

The Big (little) Week Ahead

So, after the long weekend of fun-filled yet serious events such as Laborfest and the Allied Drive Rally among other things, the week is...

The Week Ahead . . . Allied, Allied, Allied. And Allied.

It's down to the wire on Allied Drive and there are at least 6 public meetings on it this week and a few more...

Pesky Open Meetings Laws

Sometimes, I think I'm the only one who cares about this type of thing. And people get really upset when you bring up...

Madison Buses – A System for Traditional Commuters

Last night, I attended a 4 hour public hearing about the proposed bus route changes. This post is late this morning because I...