Forward Lookout on WORT

The impact of F-35s on affordable housing, Urban Forestry fee going up and Madison elementary name change, all these agenda items and more with Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel and Dylan Brogan.

Week of Nov. 25, 2019

Tom Powell hosts Brenda Konkel from Forward Lookout on WORT-FM 89.9 Community Radio for a look at city, county and school board meetings this week.

Week of Nov. 18, 2019

Chali Pittman hosts Brenda Konkel from Forward Lookout Week Ahead on WORT-FM 89.9 Community Radio for a look at city and county meetings this week. 

Updates on F-35 Fighter Jets In Madison

Brenda Konkel filling in on A Public Affair on WORT-FM 89.9 Community Radio.  Guests today are Supervisor Heidi Weglieitner and Alders Grant Foster and Rebecca Kemble.

The Afforable Housing Crisis in Madison and Dane County

Brenda Konkel filling in on WORT-FM 89.9 Community Radio on A Public Affair with guests Olivia Parry from Dane County Planning and Development and Linette Rhodes, Community Development Supervisor with the City of Madison.