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Basic City Services

Water Utility Finalists

The names have been released. Here's the two finalists. The interviews with the oral panel are scheduled for Monday, May 19th. ...

Well 12 Shut Down: The Details

Here's the details of the problems with Well 12:Low chlorine prompts shutdown of Unit Well 12; leads to discovery offluoride pump failureUnit Well 12...

New Water Utility Manager Nominated

So, we've finally got a nomination for a new Water Utility Manager. If all goes well, he'll end the 11 months with an...

Basic Services

The political vogue seems to be to talk about how we're going to work on "basic services". No more of these "unnecessary" distractions...

Stimulus and the City

I'm so glad Kristin from the Cap Times heard this the way I did:"Are we going to do this piecemeal or is there any...

4 Ideas for Madison Stay-cations

Or . . . something to do with your guests when they come to town!Have historic high gas prices, area flooding and closed highways...

Snow and all you need to know.

If you haven't seen it yet, you really need to visit the city's winter website to learn what you need to know about snow....

Upcoming Downtown Plan Meetings

Next meetings June 24-26During the last week in June, the City will hold a series of six Downtown Plan public meetings covering specific themes...

Last Chance! Madison Metro Route Changes Tonight!

Stolen from an email from elsewhere, but important information! Meeting is tonight!A public hearing on proposed route and schedule changes was held April...

ballot box solutions…..

Having spent lots and lots of time at the Capitol, many of the great speakers there keep mentioning recall. Not only of Scott...

Cottage Grove – Leadership Institute

It has been said that the people lead and the government follows. There have been many examples of this throughout history. Pressure...

Snow Emergency Declared.

Here we go again . . . .Email from the "snowemergency" listserve:The City of Madison has declared a snow emergency.That means that...