Council Recap – The Rest of the Meeting

Continued . . . .BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS#40 SHERMAN TERRACE WATER MAINSRobert Schniker - support - passes on speakingRichard Meyer - Sherman Terrace was...

Call the Building Inspector!

Last week, I got into a little argument with George Hank from Building Inspection. The argument went something like this (yes, its edited...

Water Main Flushing Schedule

Water Main Flushing plans beginning Friday, May 2 (all flushing is daytime unless otherwise noted)Schedule map: North (Area 13) -- Between Green...

Snowy, Tenanty Round Up

Snow related items, tenant items and a few others . . . I almost made it without mentioning the E word . . ....

Snow and Flooding

Tired of the snow? Turns out that even when it melts it causes problems. The weather is supposed to be warm this...

What are those Black Spots on my Maple leaves?

Gypsy moths, Emerald Ash Borer and now the Maples? UW-Extension explains, no need to worry about the black spots on your Maple leaves:This...

It’s not in there.

In looking at the Capital Budget, I was at first horrified. Then just very disappointed. And now, even more people are being...

Snow – We got most of what we wanted!

More places to park cars, parking ramps are open longer, better notifications through text messages, extended street sweeping days . . . but we...

ballot box solutions…..

Having spent lots and lots of time at the Capitol, many of the great speakers there keep mentioning recall. Not only of Scott...

Move Out Trash

August 15th. The day a large percentage of downtown residents, not just students, all have their leases renewed, and many of them move....

Chilly Morning Round Up

A few topics to chew on as you drink your coffee or tea, or hot cocoa and try to warm up . . .GOOD...

Snow – Shouldn’t we have this down by now?

So, the City has been plowing roads for years, why didn't we get it right this time? I actually asked myself, did we...