Well Siting Public Process

I participated in the first of these processes as we searched for a new site for Well 3 that was shut down due to...

Are these the biggest issues for the Zoning Code Rewrite?

The Chair of the City's Zoning Code Rewrite Committee and Planner with Vandewalle & Associates, Mike Zlavney sums up the issues up as follows:I...

4 Ideas for Madison Stay-cations

Or . . . something to do with your guests when they come to town!Have historic high gas prices, area flooding and closed highways...

Thousands of Gallons of Sewage Close Beaches

Ick. No swimming in Lake Monona! BEACH CLOSINGS ON LAKE MONONA ANNOUNCED Sewage Release CitedMadison WI – June 27, 2008- Public...

Was your property damaged in the flooding?

The City wants to know!Private Property Storm DamageThe City of Madison is collecting private property storm-related damage in the event FEMA assistance becomes available...


Another problem with all this flooding . . . Here's the info from Public Health:PUBLIC HEALTH MOSQUITO REMINDERSHeavy Rains and Floods Create Ideal Conditions...

Beaches Closed; Sewage in Lakes

Need I say more?Seriously. All Madison Beaches are closed. Sewage may have gotten into the Lakes.Ick.

Public Hearing on Downtown Library

Here's your chance to tell the decisions makers what YOU want!The Library Board and the Surplus Property Committee will be holding a meeting...

Optimism and Excitement for the Zoning Code!

Satya Rhodes-Conway gets the prize for being the most enthusiastic about the zoning code re-write. Check out this email she sent to her...

Bus Wraps: Meeting tonight!

So, the bus wrap pilot project may be ended and permanently continued and expanded. Thanks to Alder Rhodes-Conway for this update...

Upcoming Downtown Plan Meetings

Next meetings June 24-26During the last week in June, the City will hold a series of six Downtown Plan public meetings covering specific themes...

New Water Utility Manager Nominated

So, we've finally got a nomination for a new Water Utility Manager. If all goes well, he'll end the 11 months with an...