A Madison Metro RTA!!

So, if all went well, the City of Madison and surrounding areas should have state authority to create an RTA!!! At least it...

Property Tax Exemption Stalemate Continues

So, the meeting planned for noon yesterday in the Mayor's office had to be moved from the Mayor's office to room 260 to accommodate...

The Politics of Policing

So, 600 people on the Westside want more police services. Maybe. I'm not sure what they want. The angry emails...

James Madison and Tenney Park Beaches Closed

Due to blue-green algae. Read more about it here. All these beach closings this year and the high water is making the...

Was your property damaged in the flooding?

The City wants to know!Private Property Storm DamageThe City of Madison is collecting private property storm-related damage in the event FEMA assistance becomes available...

Lazy Friday Afternoon Round Up

There's so much out there today . . . county and city. No snow or Edgewater today, that'll be saved for Monday.WHERE'S THE...

Snow Emergency – Declared?

You figure this out . . . As someone who lives downtown, this is the worst public education I've seen. There were no...

Snow Emergency Continues for Tonight

Cost me $15.60 to get my car out of the parking ramp where my car was parked since Tuesday at around 6:30. Cost...

Hey! It’s a Snow Day! Round Up

Eh, I slept in, went to Bizzardoke at the High Noon last night. Now I can't decide if its worth it to get...

Optimism and Excitement for the Zoning Code!

Satya Rhodes-Conway gets the prize for being the most enthusiastic about the zoning code re-write. Check out this email she sent to her...

Breaking the Law!

You know how the city parks department and the police department think it's ok to just throw away items that belong to the homeless?...

Will you be towed?

At least they are telling us which streets they are going to target, that's progress. I'm "lucky" enough to live on one of...