Low Income Bus Fare Proposal: Copy Please.

It shouldn't be that hard to get a copy of the proposal that's been all over the news, right? Especially for an alderperson,...

Hiring Problems: 4 in the last two years.

Did something go wrong in the hiring of Bill Clingan? Are there similarities to other hires I've been critical of? The answer...


I received this in my email today and wanted to share it for a couple of reasons. The first is do not get...

Mayor Blogs . . . But What About the Rules?

So, cool, the Mayor is going to blog! Welcome to the blogosphere! But . . . At the end of...

Random Monday Morning thoughts

Gender, City's Hiring Practices, Schools, Affordable Housing and more . . .Gender - Paul Soglin has some comments about a news article about the...

Follow up information on Breese Stevens Field funding

Here's the list of other parks that will also be affected by the Board of Estimates decision on Breese Stevens Field. My previous...


Warning: This post might not be "nice", but after thinking about it for a few days, I believe it is right. Unfortunately,...

Another Opinion on the Law and Edgewater

This one from Mansion Hill Steering Committee:To: Madison City CouncilFrom: Mansion Hill Steering Committee on the Edgewater ProjectDate:...

Recall Repercussions

The results were in this summer with the democrats flipping two seats in the Senate recalls. While the republicans lost two seats,...

Mis-steps at City Hall

Last week it was a really long week at City Hall . . . and there were only 4 work days. I hope...

Another week: Come, And Gone. 33 days left.

So, remember when the Mayor let Inclusionary Zoning die? He promised a committee that was charged to come up with new answers by...

He who must not be named….

There is an incredible amount of fake outrage on the right regarding Anthony Weiner, from head nerd Reince Priebus on down. ...