This explains alot . . .

Check out the current City of Madison personnel rules . . .Yes, those are the current rules they are using. I was almost...

Mayor Dave’s Hunger for Power

First it was the Water Utility, then the Transit and Parking Commission during the recent bus fare debate, now the Landmarks Commission. While...

What ever happened to . . .

The Committees to deal with the Office of Neighborhood Support and James Madison Park?The resolution to create the Office of Neighborhood Support committee was...

City Ordinances

Our ordinances should be easier to read. I went to law school, I can read them and decipher them most of the time,...

Buying Local . . . did you notice it passed?

How does it happen that when Ray Allen and Mayor Dave, the Common Sense Coalition and Progressive Dane, Brenda Konkel and Russ Frank (Madison...

Open Records Woes . . .

The first open records request by Citizens for Responsible Government's for e-mails didn't work out so well. So Ms. Mees submitted a second request....

All Aboard the Thuy Rollercoaster Council Recap

When the consent agenda came out with only Pham-Remmele separating items for discussion, I got several "Thuy Alert!" emails. I struggled with whether...

Vicky for assembly

I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....

Hydrite Meeting Tonight!

Hydrite Chemical is a company that has a location in Cottage Grove that many people are not even aware exists. With the...

Pesky Open Meetings Laws

Sometimes, I think I'm the only one who cares about this type of thing. And people get really upset when you bring up...

UDC: This sucks.

So, it's 9:00, the Urban Design Commission (agenda) is on item #7 . . . and I'm here for items #10 (scheduled for 6:15)...

Neighborhood Plans – Just Advisory?

There was an interesting discussion at the Board of Estimates yesterday about why they approve neighborhood plans and it revealed some interesting information about...