Allied Drive . . . February 1st is Coming.

February 1st, the big deadline for the WHEDA application to help make the housing affordable on Allied Drive. And what do we...

Downtown Parking and Snow

The very first issue committee I ever sat on was a "Backyard Parking Implementation Committee" that was looking at commuters parking in backyards. ...

Pesky Open Meetings Laws

Sometimes, I think I'm the only one who cares about this type of thing. And people get really upset when you bring up...

Snow – Shouldn’t we have this down by now?

So, the City has been plowing roads for years, why didn't we get it right this time? I actually asked myself, did we...

Someone should do something about that!

Ok - my blog this morning is not as it should be. Nothing is working out... I intended to tell you about...

This explains alot . . .

Check out the current City of Madison personnel rules . . .Yes, those are the current rules they are using. I was almost...

The Importance of an Elevator

What if you had a public building that was three stories tall and the elevator didn't work? You'd wait til April to get...

City Staff: Your Input is needed!

This does seem to be a Mayor that doesn't want to follow the rules. Or at least feels like he can either ignore...

Don’t watch government, become the government!

I'm a lazy blogger today, so I just stole this off Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway's post to EINPC and I'm grateful to her for putting...

The "Boys Club" Grows

Another top position in the City of Madison is given to a man. It's hardly news any more that we seem...

No Room . . . Little Notice . . . Bad Government

Today is a bad example of good/open government.Right now, I am sitting on the floor in the hallway outside of Room LL-130 in the...

Unbelievable: Where have our ethics gone?

Sometimes, I bumble into something that is too good not to share.On Tuesday I introduced a resolution about the City's objection to a variance...