Call the Building Inspector!

Last week, I got into a little argument with George Hank from Building Inspection. The argument went something like this (yes, its edited...

Mayor Dave and I Agree.

For those of you who think that Mayor Dave and I can never get along, I thought you might want to see this. ...

City Committee Resignations

When I first heard about several committee resignations due to being upset with a decision of the Mayor, I thought they were talking...

Recall Repercussions

The results were in this summer with the democrats flipping two seats in the Senate recalls. While the republicans lost two seats,...

Snow – Shouldn’t we have this down by now?

So, the City has been plowing roads for years, why didn't we get it right this time? I actually asked myself, did we...

Continued Round Up for this Week

Less regurgitation of things you should know, more attitude! :)BIGOTED FLASHBACKAs my co-worker and friend Megin McDonell says on my Facebook page "hello?...

Friday Round Up . . .

Ex-alder gives advice to colleagues, Olinger leaving the city, kudos to public health, Kailin service, Brews for WYOU, Homeless Memorial Day, composting, and more,...

Greyhound . . . oh, btw, we’re moving. Tomorrow. In less than 12 hours.

The only story that ends up in my google reader to pass along to you. But the story is more about what you...

CDA & the City: Just ignore the Contract!

The CDA, or Community Development Authority, is in the news for wanting to be the developer for Allied Drive and some hiring and contracting...

Vicky for assembly

I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....

Maniaci’s Open Records Request

A few random thoughts on Maniaci's recent open records request to "determine who ratted her out to the press", in regards to her health-care...

What ever happened to . . .

The Committees to deal with the Office of Neighborhood Support and James Madison Park?The resolution to create the Office of Neighborhood Support committee was...