2007 Budget – Sick Leave Not Implemented, And More

Wouldn't you assume that when something gets put into the budget and it gets the votes on the council, that it would get implemented....

CDA & the City: Just ignore the Contract!

The CDA, or Community Development Authority, is in the news for wanting to be the developer for Allied Drive and some hiring and contracting...

Is the Mayor above the Law?

Can he just ignore Madison General Ordinances because he thinks he has a better idea? If so, why not just eliminate the Common...

Housing & Homelessness: Cuts plus no new City funding.

In a year when we have heard all about adding 30 police officers to our City budget and the police department budget went from...

Westside Crackdown – Help or Harm?

In an effort to think more about policing, I've been reading various materials. This one article, has stuck in my mind for various...

Allied Drive – No budget, contradication and a road with little detail.

Q: When is a road not a road?A: When it involves the Allied Drive neighborhood and the Mayor.So, hunting down the details...

CDBG Commission Takes the High Road

The CDBG commission refused to take a position on the hiring of Bill Clingan for the Economic and Community Development Unit Director. Something...

Hiring Problems: 4 in the last two years.

Did something go wrong in the hiring of Bill Clingan? Are there similarities to other hires I've been critical of? The answer...

How Many Jobs Did That Create?

So, one of my concerns over the years is that with all of the talk about Economic Development in this town, its hard to...

City Committee Resignations

When I first heard about several committee resignations due to being upset with a decision of the Mayor, I thought they were talking...

Call the Building Inspector!

Last week, I got into a little argument with George Hank from Building Inspection. The argument went something like this (yes, its edited...

The Cost of 30 Police Officers.

At the last council meeting, we stopped crime in Madison. Well, not really. We passed two ordinances, one that would stop new...