Just Eliminate City Committees

Here’s a half serious proposal – eliminate all city committees. It’s only half serious because I value the input of city committees and...

More ineffective public input?

Ok - after being yelled at in the hallway as I was leaving Board of Estimates like I was a two year old by...

Voila! And now the Mayor Agrees to Try to Add 30 Police Officers

That didn't take long. I wonder what the "sacrifice and cuts" are going to be? To: Chief Noble...

Mixed Messages

Yesterday, I grabbed dinner and a beer at the Great Dane after a meeting. I happened to be facing the window and saw...

Water Utility Resignation Is A Start.

I gotta agree with Bill Leuders. Well, kinda. I'm not sad about seeing Gonzalez leave, in fact, it wasn't soon enough. ...

Your Chance to Impact the Water Utility

This is from a neighborhood listserve and I thought I'd share it. Thanks to Dan Melton for getting this information together:WANTED: Three...

The Week Ahead: August 13 – 17

iWell, this is the week of hell for me. August 15th. Working at the Tenant Resource Center, this is the beginning of...

Where’s Waldo? City of Madison Verison.

Who's meeting? What are they talking about? And where can you get more information? I wish there was a simple explanation....

Making the Simple, Complicated. Updated. Twice.

Sometimes, doing the simplest thing around City Hall, can be so unnecessarily difficult if you're paying attention and trying to make things happen in...

Getting Involved in Transportation Planning

How would you like to participate in deciding which roads, bike paths and other transportation projects are recommended for funding by the Madison Metropolitan...

The Week Ahead: July 30 – Aug 4 – Take Two!

Ah, that's better, a whole bunch of meetings I had in my calendar finally popped up on the Weekly Schedule. So, try again....

Cities and Schools working Together

A former City Council member sent me this article about how Portland is spending spending $1.6 million to keep poorer kids in their schools....