Just Eliminate City Committees

Here’s a half serious proposal – eliminate all city committees. It’s only half serious because I value the input of city committees and...

E Round Up: All Edgewater, All the Time

Yes, there's enough about the Edgewater for a round up dedicated to this subject alone . . . I expect that this will be...

Mayor Blogs . . . But What About the Rules?

So, cool, the Mayor is going to blog! Welcome to the blogosphere! But . . . At the end of...

Follow up information on Breese Stevens Field funding

Here's the list of other parks that will also be affected by the Board of Estimates decision on Breese Stevens Field. My previous...

Council Meeting: Limiting Poll Workers and Passing Neighborhood Conservation Districts

Here's the recap (the second writing . . . grrrr, I lost the first verison) of what happened at the Council meeting last night...

Trash Talk

Sometimes I think you'd have to be living under a rock not to know what is going on in City Hall, then I remember,...

Random thoughts of the day . . .

Short and sweet . . .1. I want my paycheck too.2. Thank goodness that did not work out. Didn't even make...

Don’t watch government, become the government!

I'm a lazy blogger today, so I just stole this off Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway's post to EINPC and I'm grateful to her for putting...

CDA & the City: Just ignore the Contract!

The CDA, or Community Development Authority, is in the news for wanting to be the developer for Allied Drive and some hiring and contracting...

Public Input and Access

That's a pretty boring title for a pretty boring subject, unless you think that your voice should be heard in local government . ....

Barely Navigating the Madison Weekly Schedules

After trying to post the interesting meetings coming up this week, I was so frustrated I wrote the following memo to several city staff...

Clarification on Bus Fare "Public Hearing" Matter

I have several questions about procedure and process, which I am seeking clarification on. It seems to me that perhaps we can't do...