What’s Missing?

Just a few minutes ago, the Common Council received this e-mail from the Mayor:From: MayorSent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 3:08:55 PMTo: ALL ALDERSSubject: RTA...

What ever happened to . . .

The Committees to deal with the Office of Neighborhood Support and James Madison Park?The resolution to create the Office of Neighborhood Support committee was...

Possible Ordinance violations?

Someone over at thedailypage.com asked what ordinances might have been violated in the hiring of Jeanne Hoffman. It's hard to say if there...

Mayor Dave and I Agree.

For those of you who think that Mayor Dave and I can never get along, I thought you might want to see this. ...

City Hiring Practices

Here it is.Based on the number of hits to my blog in the last two days, I suspect people are looking for the hiring...

Gender Resolutions, Expanded and Supported.

The Affirmative Action Commission, not only liked my resolutions, they expanded the scope of the information that they thought would be helpful to the...

Turns out . . . it wasn’t necessary.

Remember when we jumped through all those hoops to bend all the rules to give a company a $700,000 that was portrayed to...

Council Meeting: Limiting Poll Workers and Passing Neighborhood Conservation Districts

Here's the recap (the second writing . . . grrrr, I lost the first verison) of what happened at the Council meeting last night...

Will Zach be asked to Apologize?

Will George Twigg ask Zach Brandon to apologize?After all that overzealous grandstanding the day before the election about the "Progressive Dane operative" working in...


No. I didn't accuse anyone of any official misconduct, the Mayor's office did. Apparently, the Mayor thinks I should apologize...

More Qualified.

Many of you have been following the hiring issues with our Facilities and Sustainability Manager, well, here's the qualifications of the other candidates:Applicant One:Bachelor...


I finally got a peek at the ordinance Zach Brandon is proposing to address the alleged Mike Quieto problem. While the objections to...