Random Monday Morning thoughts

Gender, City's Hiring Practices, Schools, Affordable Housing and more . . .Gender - Paul Soglin has some comments about a news article about the...


Warning: This post might not be "nice", but after thinking about it for a few days, I believe it is right. Unfortunately,...

Buying Local . . . did you notice it passed?

How does it happen that when Ray Allen and Mayor Dave, the Common Sense Coalition and Progressive Dane, Brenda Konkel and Russ Frank (Madison...

Random thoughts of the day . . .

Short and sweet . . .1. I want my paycheck too.2. Thank goodness that did not work out. Didn't even make...

Couldn’t or Wouldn’t?

The Cap Times reported thatKonkel said it was "clear it (the mayor's action) was retaliatory for something." However, she would or could not say...

What’s in a Name?

Depending upon who you talk to, the promise of the future? Or much ado about nothing?Currently, the City of Madison has a Department...

An agenda for the City

This spring's elections need to be about more than water, trolleys and taxes. Yes, our water needs to be safe to...

Mis-steps at City Hall

Last week it was a really long week at City Hall . . . and there were only 4 work days. I hope...

City Ordinances

Our ordinances should be easier to read. I went to law school, I can read them and decipher them most of the time,...

Common Council takes a stand . . . against clear and understandable laws ....

So, a UW law student wrote up a 7 page paper about a problem with our tenant/landlord law and what they saw when they...

Another Blog . . . District 2 News

I've beens struggling with how to get information out to people in the 2nd District. If I send information to just neighborhood association...

Here we go again . . . give us our private meetings

Is it fair to the public when there are 4 meetings that discuss a particular issue and a certain segment of the business industry...