Lazy Friday Afternoon Round Up

There's so much out there today . . . county and city. No snow or Edgewater today, that'll be saved for Monday.WHERE'S THE...

Updates on Bus Fare Increases – TPC Decision Appealed.

It's all in a day's (not) work. Here's what happened and the sequence of events, as near as I can tell!11:45 - Mayor...


I was listening to WIBA-AM recently (Here and here)and the President-select of Cottage Grove was on Mitch Henck's show(I am not sure why...

The Plundering of Village(Cottage Grove)Government!

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” – Thomas...

Wow, Interesting Madison Prep Debate.

Allen Ruff has been blogging about Kaleem Caire and in pointing out the facts, he has drawn criticism for attacking Caire. However, I...

Meet Randy Hopper

While you have been able to get the latest news on Randy Hopper right here at this humble little blog, there are a...

Those City Council All-Nighters!

Those who have been critical of another all-nighter of the City Council meeting are correct (Subeck, Wealti, Zepeda-Capistran via Kratz) . . . there...

Desperate Times, Call for Desperate Measures!

Summer 2012, the Wisconsin republicans had the world by the balls. They had control over the State Assembly, the State Senate, the...

County Board Recap

It may have been short, but I'm glad Robin Schmidt and others did what they did. Once again, the most excitement was during...

Common Council takes a stand . . . against clear and understandable laws ....

So, a UW law student wrote up a 7 page paper about a problem with our tenant/landlord law and what they saw when they...

Council Meeting: Limiting Poll Workers and Passing Neighborhood Conservation Districts

Here's the recap (the second writing . . . grrrr, I lost the first verison) of what happened at the Council meeting last night...

Allied Drive – No budget, contradication and a road with little detail.

Q: When is a road not a road?A: When it involves the Allied Drive neighborhood and the Mayor.So, hunting down the details...