Sunny Take Two

Recently WPRI hack and Herald - Independent Columnist Sunny Schubert wrote a column congratulating Gannett Newspaper for checking the Verify the Recall database,...

I Can’t Wait!!! Round Up (Final)

Silly, I know, but for those of us on the sidelines, this is like the superbowl.EDGEWATER: IT'S DO OR DIE TIMEGeek Alert: I...

CDBG Commission Takes the High Road

The CDBG commission refused to take a position on the hiring of Bill Clingan for the Economic and Community Development Unit Director. Something...

This explains alot . . .

Check out the current City of Madison personnel rules . . .Yes, those are the current rules they are using. I was almost...

Pesky Open Meetings Laws

Sometimes, I think I'm the only one who cares about this type of thing. And people get really upset when you bring up...

Are you kidding?

The members of the Dane County School Board Consortium and WAES (Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools) have gotten together to sponsor a public meeting...

Vicki McKenna Banned in Cottage Grove!!

Recently, the Cottage Grove village board passed a resolution calling for civil public discourse. Their resolution no. 2011-07, A...

Cottage Grove – Where Democracy is a dirty word!

We recently held elections in Cottage Grove where Mike Mikalsen, lost his appointed position of Village Board President. The new Village President,...

WTF? Friday

This morning, I was calling today "Snarky Friday" based on my snarky postings this morning. But now . . . I'm steaming...

Engaging the Public – In August?

Two recent items caught my eye. August is typically a month where City Hall is running at a little slower speed. The...

Maybe I am divisive….

Showing a case of Sour Grapes, former appointed Cottage Grove Village President Mike Mikalsen, submitted a LTE to our local paper attacking me....

Are you kidding….follow up

I wanted to follow up to this post. Where some anti-education individuals from Cottage Grove complained that a note was sent...