Let’s get them on the record!

Governor Walker came out last week with a union busting bill - Lots more information here. A couple of things have been overlooked...

Dane County Executive poll

The Spring Primary is less than a week away. With the questions surrounding the poll released by Joe Parisi's campaign, I thought...

Gov 2.0 and Madison, Part II: Establishing the Platform in Madison

This is Part II of a three part series. In Part I, I briefly motivated Open Government and Government as a Platform, and used Madison Metro as an example of how we could do better. Unfortunately, we’re not doing much better elsewhere in the city, but there are ways to change that.

Cottage Grove is open for business….or is it?

After a long, secret and unsuccessful courtship of Walgreens which included a costly and controversial change from a roundabout to new stop lights. ...

Maniaci’s Open Records Request

A few random thoughts on Maniaci's recent open records request to "determine who ratted her out to the press", in regards to her health-care...

Forward Lookout, beyond the blog

This is a little bit of a geeky post about Forward Lookout and Citizen Media, but it also includes a link to an audio recording of most of the July meeting of the Economic Development Commission. So, if either of those sound interesting, read on...

When “welfare” isn’t welfare

The short answer apparently is when the recipients are white and middle class. At least that's what I get from Chuck Lacasse of DePere in...

Concession in City/County Tax Collection Dispute

It seems like they might have a proposal to solve one tiny portion of the dispute, but we still don't know what tiny percentage of people will take advantage of this, there's still the foreclosure/delinquency issue that is not resolved and the question of if all the costs for new software, reprogramming and other staff headaches are going to be worth it.

Unbelievably, City Week Ahead, Take III

Yesterday, I was annoyed by the addition of 12 meetings to the weekly agenda, today, there are only three more. Including big news at the Overture and police department input. However, that is a record 15 meetings added. How are people supposed to participate in local government when notices of meetings go out 24 - 48 hours before the meetings start?

Draft City of Madison Blogging Policy

This was on the agenda for the Common Council Organizational Committee to discuss the night of the Edgewater, and the meeting was cancelled, and...

And Today, the Greyhound Bus Stop Moved Again To . . .

The Northside bus transfer point. Seriously. Here's why.Alder Bridget Maniaci, the Mullins, the Economic Development Director, etc etc etcI'll let you see...

Live Blog Attempt of the Council Briefing on Library (Edited Slightly)

Here's we go . . . NOTE: The meeting got done about 1:14, these are the notes as I got them at the...