Friday Round Up . . .

Ex-alder gives advice to colleagues, Olinger leaving the city, kudos to public health, Kailin service, Brews for WYOU, Homeless Memorial Day, composting, and more,...

Couldn’t or Wouldn’t?

The Cap Times reported thatKonkel said it was "clear it (the mayor's action) was retaliatory for something." However, she would or could not say...

Low Income Bus Fare Proposal: Copy Please.

It shouldn't be that hard to get a copy of the proposal that's been all over the news, right? Especially for an alderperson,...

What’s in a Name?

Depending upon who you talk to, the promise of the future? Or much ado about nothing?Currently, the City of Madison has a Department...

Vicki McKenna Banned in Cottage Grove!!

Recently, the Cottage Grove village board passed a resolution calling for civil public discourse. Their resolution no. 2011-07, A...

Another week: Come, And Gone. 33 days left.

So, remember when the Mayor let Inclusionary Zoning die? He promised a committee that was charged to come up with new answers by...

Even in Dane County the Fiscal Conservatives are Breaking Us!

We have been chronicling how the fiscal conservatives are breaking the bank, now we see it "trickling down" to the Dane County Board....

Will Zach be asked to Apologize?

Will George Twigg ask Zach Brandon to apologize?After all that overzealous grandstanding the day before the election about the "Progressive Dane operative" working in...

Common Council Recap – The Basics (Not quite done . . .)

Bike lanes on Midvale, 600 E Johnson Project, Chronic Nuisance Ordinance, TIF agreement for Capital West, Capital Revolving Funds, the Sign Ordinance and oh,...

Voila! And now the Mayor Agrees to Try to Add 30 Police Officers

That didn't take long. I wonder what the "sacrifice and cuts" are going to be? To: Chief Noble...

Will the Voter ID bill be in effect in every ward?

The Wisconsin Assembly passed the "Keep Democrats From Voting in Wisconsin" bill in a 60-35 vote (all republicans and inexplicably 2 democrats) voted...

Gender & City Employment – The Controversy Continues

So, Vikki Kratz calls me and asks me what I think about the Mayor hiring another man. I say, you can't look at...