He who must not be named….

There is an incredible amount of fake outrage on the right regarding Anthony Weiner, from head nerd Reince Priebus on down. ...

Low Income Bus Fare Proposal: Copy Please.

It shouldn't be that hard to get a copy of the proposal that's been all over the news, right? Especially for an alderperson,...

Let The Battle’s Begin!

Today, the newest Wisconsin legislature will be sworn in and then they get to work(which is good because the Wisconsin legislature has not worked...

Some Endorsements for the Primary!

* Yuri Rashkin in the 44th District. * Joe Wineke in the 80th! In Wisconsin, we have to have people willing to step up...

The Week Ahead: July 16 – 20

I'll only be in town Monday and Tuesday, but it looks like another big week ahead. Tho there is alot of missing information...

An Open Letter to National Conservative Groups from Wisconsin’s Liberal Bloggers

To: Chris Chocola, Club for Growth The Honorable Jim DeMint, junior Senator from the Great State of South Carolina It is with great disappointment that we...

The Governors “tools” and the President’s “stimulus”.

Governor Walker has been in office for just a few months and they have been an eventful few months. Before he even took...

What ever happened to . . .

The Committees to deal with the Office of Neighborhood Support and James Madison Park?The resolution to create the Office of Neighborhood Support committee was...

Lazy Friday Afternoon Round Up

There's so much out there today . . . county and city. No snow or Edgewater today, that'll be saved for Monday.WHERE'S THE...

Finally doing something about the Water Utility?

Well, this puts a whole new twist on things. The question over who has the legal authority to manage anything at the water utility...

Those City Council All-Nighters!

Those who have been critical of another all-nighter of the City Council meeting are correct (Subeck, Wealti, Zepeda-Capistran via Kratz) . . . there...

Possible Ordinance violations?

Someone over at thedailypage.com asked what ordinances might have been violated in the hiring of Jeanne Hoffman. It's hard to say if there...